2023 February Listenings

Posted on March 5, 2023

David Edren, H. Takahashi - Flow

Shimmery ambient. This is exactly the kind of music I enjoy.

Release date: 2023-01-13


Pavel Milyakov - project mirrors

Majestic experimental techno. Buttechno never disappoints.

Release date: 2023-02-03


Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy

I’ve been following them since their first EP a while back, but I still haven’t figured out what kind of music they make… Hip-hop / R&B / neo-psychedelic / gospel maybe? Someone on RYM said it’s like This Heat does Animal Collective, which is actually quite on point.

Release date: 2023-02-03


Rian Treanor & Ocen James - Saccades

African traditional music meets experimental electronic music. This is probably my favorite among rian treanors discography, pretty awesome stuff.

Release date: 2023-01-20


Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You

Alternative country music. I love Adrianne Lenker but somehow Big Thief has always evaded me, or maybe it is the other way around.

Release date: 2022-02-11


Atom™ - Nacht

Sprawling, gnarly techno. Awesome stuff.

Release date: 2022-07-08


Harmonious Thelonious - Cheapo Sounds

Hypnotic rhythmic synth loop album. Dig this kind of stuff.

Release date: 2023-01-20


Mdou Moctar - Afrique Victime

Psychedelic Saharan rock. The album fully captures the energy present in their KEXP live show video.

Release date: 2021-05-21


Drum & Lace - Frost

Ambient vocal music. Very soothing to listen to.

Release date: 2017-06-30


Parannoul - After the Magic

Dream-pop from Korea. Some tracks are pretty good.

Release date: 2023-01-28


Radioactive Man - Radioactive Man

Old school IDM.

Release date: 2001-09-17


Facta - Emeline

Bouncy, organic house music.

Release date: 2022-04-01


Farid El Atrache - Nagham Fi Hayati

Mystical Arabian traditional music. Seems to be a soundtrack to a movie, would love to watch it someday.

Release date: 2008-01-01


Kelly Lee Owens - LP.8.2

Minimalistic electronic / pop.

Release date: 2023-02-10


Paperclip Minimiser - Paperclip Minimiser

Dub techno. Alright but doesn’t really stand out.

Release date: 2022-10-14


Meitei - Shiturai

Soothing but somewhat unmemorable ambient piano music. Hope he does another full-length album sooner than later…

Release date: 2023-02-04
