2021 August Listenings

Posted on August 31, 2021

Tomasz Bednarczyk - Nothing Much Happens

Ambient. If you don’t like this I don’t know what to say…

Release date: 2021-01-29


Space Afrika - Honest Labour

Downtempo. FFO Dean Blunt and Actress.

Release date: 2021-08-27


Pataphysical - Periphera

Dream like, cosmic ambient / electronic music. Love this stuff.

Release date: 2015-09-04


Various Artists - I Stumble And Then I Fall

It is as if ghosts are capable of playing music, and these are benevolent but sad ghosts, so the songs they play turn you into a ghost as well. Chilling and abstract experimental music.

Release date: 2020-11-20


Not Waving, Romance - Eyes Of Fate

Serene modern classical / ambient. I love it.

Release date: 2021-03-12


Erika De Casier - Sensational

Ethereal pop music. Sounds like something from the 00’s… Like it a lot.

Release date: 2021-05-21


Body Sculptures - A Body Turns To Eden

Industrial ambient / drone music.

Release date: 2016-06-03



Free jazz / prog music with a bunch of rap features. Maybe one could call thius prog rap? Dos Monos also appears on this KLP. Really like this stuff, the track Diablo is dope.

Release date: 2021-07-14


Moritz Von Oswald Trio - Dissent

Dub techno with a lot of jazz influence. Laurel Halo plays in this one.

Release date: 2021-08-06


Lingua Ignota - Sinner Get Ready

Screeching chamber music. I didn’t really like her previous album but this one I actually dig. Make sure you listen to this on a set of headphones, when played through a single mono speaker it is much less powerful.

Release date: 2021-08-06


King Woman - Celestial Blues

Doom metal / heavy rock. I dig it.

Release date: 2021-07-30


Ghost Box - Trial and Deleted Scenes

R&B beat under a thin layer of old tape noise. I do believe in Ghost Box.

Release date: 2020-03-31


Oxhy - Respite Unoffered

Eerie deconstructed club / hardcore. Pretty cool sound.

Release date: 2017-10-16


Roy Montgomery - That Best Forgotten Work

I thought it was somebody else that’s singing on this album, but it was Roy Montgomery himself… I always thought he’s more or less solely focused on doing guitar oriented ambient music, but this one feels more like a gothic indie pop record, which is pretty refreshing.

Release date: 2021-06-25


96 Back - 9696 Dream

IDM. Kind of like how Pantha Du Prince would sound like if he decides to do club music.

Release date: 2021-03-16


Rian Treanor - Obstacle Scattering

Rhytmic electronic music. I especially like the last track - sounds like a bunch of little explosions in a metal pipe.

Release date: 2021-02-19


Koeosaeme - Sonorant

Futuristic breakcore / cut-n-paste electronic music. Pretty cool.

Release date: 2017-08-04


Loveshadow - Loveshadow

City pop / new-age. Retro stuff.

Release date: 2021-06-21


Sharkula, Mukqs - Take Caution On The Beach

Experimental hip-hop. Really weird stuff, but I guess what else would you expect from a Hausu Mountain release? I like the wonky instrumentals but the vocals are really throwing me off.

Release date: 2021-04-09


Krallice - Demonic Wealth

Less prog-oriented and more traditional black metal / thrash sounding. I appreciate the proggier side of them more though. Sometimes it sounds like Botanist?

Release date: 2021-03-05


Black Thought, Salaam Remi - Streams Of Thought Vol. 2

Old school hip-hop.

Release date: 2018-11-26


Portrayal Of Guilt & Chat Pile - Split

PoG is (still) kind of disappointing on this one. Chat pile is pretty cool though, kind of like Pissed Jeans. Looking forward to their full length LP.

Release date: 2021-08-17


Deafheaven - Infinite Granite

The first half is pretty approachable shoegaze with wailing guitar, the last track Mombasa is the only track on this album that is reminiscent of the Sunbather era Deafheaven. But then it’s not as strong as any of the tracks on Sunbather…

Release date: 2021-08-20


Mika Vainio - 25082016235210179 (Live at Berlin Atonal)

I don’t understand… Sparwling drone / noise music and occasional loud feedback sounds.

Release date: 2020-10-27


OMSB - Monkey

Japanese hardcore rap. I like the first track, others not so much.

Release date: 2021-05-07


Lantlôs - Wildhund

When post-black metal goes beyond shoegaze… it becomes alternative rock.

Release date: 2021-07-30


Karate - In Place Of Real Insight

Emo + slow core. Slow core songs are alright, emo songs have run of the mill riggs and are just meh.

Release date: 1997-04-15


Code - Flyblown Prince

I have never heard of Cradle Of Filth. I imagine this is what CoF sounds like, or if CoF listened to a lot of Arcturus… The high pitched clean vocals are really too silly.

Release date: 2021-06-04



好吵… industrial rap.

Release date: 2021-06-20


Sikth - The Future In Whose Eyes

Overall weaker than their magnum opus, The Trees Are Dead And Dried Out. The guitart tone is pretty tight though.

Release date: 2017-06-02


Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak

This is actually the first time I heard this album… the instrumentals are alright, but the lyrics is what makes this project such a disappointment - it is at best silly, at worst straight up idiotic. The autotune-d vocals does not help at all.

Release date: 2008-11-24


Between The Buried And Me - Colors II

If incohesion is an album this would be it. Of course it is hard to play, and their technicality is definitely there, but the album as a whole is just a bunch of undeveloped musical ideas forced into songs. And the fact that the songs are all connected (i.e. no stops between songs) does not help one bit.

Release date: 2021-08-20


Protest The Hero - Palimpsest

You play prog metal long enough to see yourself become a Dream Theater clone (well with much better singing and riffing, but still…) I expected them to sound closer to their first three albums than this one, but that wasn’t even close. Songs on this album have those cheesy, annoying symphonic synths, which I really dislike, and the riffs feel like they were done in a way that when the band finished writing the riffs they stopped caring about them.

Release date: 2020-06-18
