2021 April Listenings

Posted on April 30, 2021

Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske - Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske

Abrasive jazz ambient. Some time ago I thought Giske was on the path to become a second Colin Stetson, turns out he was even more experimental in terms of timbre and composition. Milyakov is actually Buttechno, and here he adds a deep, absorbing electronic layer underneath the sax that occasionally burst out into the front stage. Truely next level music.

Release date: 2021-03-26


Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END!


Release date: 2021-04-02


Armand Hammer, The Alchemist - Haram

Elucid and billy wood are (still) on the top of the game. Downtempo, dark jazz-ish instrumentals from The Alchemist are dope AF as well. Really good stuff.

Release date: 2021-03-26


Amulets - Blooming

Awesome fuzzy ambient album.

Release date: 2018-04-10


Various Artists - La Ola Interior (Spanish Ambient & Acid Exotism: 1983 - 1990)

I can listen to this all day long.

Release date: 2021-03-05


Vladislav Delay - Rakka II

I don’t get why people don’t give Sasu Ripatti enough credit: dude went out on a field trip and recorded some of the most abrasive minimal techno music in recent years, and people are like “nah that’s nothing new”. Sad times…

Release date: 2021-04-15


PDP III - Piled Up On A Couple Of Doves

Modern composition / lo-fi ambient. Unnerving, sprawling sounds, gotta love it.

Release date: 2021-04-09


Minimal Violence - Phase Two

Drum & Bass / EBM. Pulverizing tunes that make you shake your head off.

Release date: 2020-09-15


Stereolab - Electrically Possessed [Switched On Volume 4]

I enjoy the longer, drone-ier songs a lot.

Release date: 2021-02-26


Benny The Butcher, Harry Fraud - The Plugs I Met 2

East-coast hip-hop. Pretty good but not something that really leaves an impression. People say The Plugs I Met hits harder than this one though.

Release date: 2021-03-19


Feu! Chatterton - Palais d’argile

Psychedelic chansson… some tracks like La Mer and Libre are pretty rockin’.

Release date: 2021-03-12


Various Artists - Vertige II

Contemporary experimental pop music. Some tracks are pretty good but some are just duds to me.

Release date: 2021-03-19


Andy Stott - Never The Right Time

Downtempo / minimalistic electronic beat music. Wouldn’t go as far as saying the dude’s “washed up” (like The Quietus did), but this is probably his least interesting / engaging music in recent years. Of course this is by no means saying this album has nothing good going on - tracks like the somber “Dove Stone” and dream-pop-vocal-meets-sampled-beats title track are pretty enjoyable in their own right, but I guess it’s not unreasonable to expect more than just a few decent tracks from an artist such as Andy Stott.

Release date: 2021-04-16


IU - Lilac

Oddly enough the title track is the track that I like the least… I would still say this is not an album I’d want to revisit (unlike Yukika’s album from last year… that one’s a doozy), but some tracks are pretty catchy and don’t have that obnoxiou bass frequency prevalent in a lot of K-pop productions.

Release date: 2019-10-08


Xiu Xiu - OH NO

Their most friendly release to date. Honestly not that into this one compared to their other recent stuff.

Release date: 2021-02-19


Dinosaur Jr. - Sweep It Into Space

idk man, I guess just go listen to Super Napkin instead of this stuff?

Release date: 2021-04-23


Wode - Burn In Many Mirrors

Old-fashioned death metal. Not a fan.

Release date: 2021-04-02


Benny The Butcher - The Plugs I Met

This is indeed much more memorable than its sequel. Some Wu-Tang level stuff.

Release date: 2021-03-19


Zenker Brothers - Cosmic Transmission

Wonky drum & bass / techno. Somehow this is very stripped-down and enticing at the same time…

Release date: 2020-10-15


Hakushi Hasegawa - Air Ni Ni

Off-kilter jazzy J-pop.

Release date: 2019-11-13


Razen - Robot Brujo

Modern improvised electronic music + flute. Minimal yet very dissonant. Kinda like dungeon music…

Release date:


Teresa Winter - What The Night Is For

Eerie, sprawling modern composition / electronic. Like the first track.

Release date: 2018-10-05


To Rococo Rot - The Amateur View

If you know me then you know I’m a sucker for minimal techno…

Release date: 1999-04-30
