2020 October Listenings

Posted on November 2, 2020

Ai Aso - The Faintest Hint


Release date: 2020-07-10


Offthesky, The Humble Bee - We Were The Hum Of Dreams

Ambient pop. Comfort music for sad folks.

Release date: 2020-05-01


Theo Parrish - Wuddaji


Release date: 2020-10-02


Thy Catafalque - Naiv

奇怪 folk metal。一開始在家聽我覺得第一首歌很聳,但整張聽完覺得有夠讚… 個人覺得是今年比較好的金屬專輯之一,比 Oranssi Pazuzu 那張還要好

Release date: 2019-07-26


Numinos - Grain

Mille Plateaux 出的 minimal dub techno。反正他們不管出什麼我覺得我應該都會蠻愛的就是了

Release date: 2021-06-04


Uniform - Shame

Industrial noise rock. Godflesh 跟他們一起來台灣的話我絕對夜排。這張很金屬阿

Release date: 2010-11-02


Chris Korda - Polymeter

Piano neoclassical / jazz. Quirky stuff, fun to listen to. 某種程度上有點像 midi 鋼琴音樂

Release date: 2015-08-07


Piezo - Perdu

Gritty dub techno. 蠻好聽的 lo-fi techno… 說他是 techno 有點怪?或是一個叢林風的 Meitei?總之不錯聽

Release date: 2019-10-10


Actress - Karma & Desire

Hautology techno. Actress 真的是每張都值得一聽…

Release date: 2020-10-23


Legowelt - Unconditional Contours

Retro synth music / electronica. 我只想得到很像 John Carpenter 電影配樂的音色… 但蠻好玩的

Release date: 2020-10-02


The Alchemist - A Doctor, Painter & An Alchemist Walk Into A Bar

Instrumental hip-hop. 蠻讚的 beat tape

Release date: 2020-10-02


24 Carat Black - III

Retro R&B / soul.

Release date: 2019-09-13


Autechre - Sign


Release date: 1970-08-07


Hen Ogledd - Free Humans

Dan Deacon. The album as a whole, even though the songs are all pretty good, somehow feels a bit too long.

Release date: 2020-09-25


Nothing - The Great Dismal

It’s like The Stone Roses + Hum. Say Less is a great track.

Release date: 2020-10-30


Flora Yin Wong - Holy Palm

Field recording / experimental electronic music. It’s got a Mariah Carey sample in it… weird stuff.

Release date: 2020-10-30


Christoph De Babalon, Mark - Split

動感 techno / breakbeat. 個人是比較喜歡前三首 Christophe De Babalon 的東西,但硬要比的話我覺得 If You’re Into It I’m Out Of It 還是做得比較極端一點,要聽他的東西可以從那張開始聽。這張最後一首的 break 有個人突然講話的聲音有點搞笑,但整首還是蠻動感的。話說回來上班可能不太適合聽就是了,會很難專心做事…

Release date: 2020-10-06


Shlohmo - Heaven Inc.

Electronic music… kinda feels like what Hyperdub would release if they ever decide to do something more approachable.

Release date: 2020-11-27


VoidCeremony - Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional Unravel

Pretty dope tech death. Got a bunch of fretless bass solos. 比較好聽的前衛死金

Release date: 2020-06-26


Conway The Machine, The Alchemist - Lulu

I feel that Conway The Machine can cut the number of basketball references on this EP. The Alchemist is still on the top of his game in this one though.

Release date: 2020-03-30


HHY & The Kampala Unit - Lithium Blast

Jungle / techno.

Release date: 2020-10-22


David Lord - Forest Standards Vol.2

Modern Bill Frisell-esque jazz. Two members of the band Tortoise played on this record and their influence is all over the place. Some chord progressions remind me of something John McLaughlin might do: bunch of different chord voicings stacked on top of each other, thus creating a mildly dissonant sound.

Release date:


Skyzoo, Dumbo Station - The Bluest Note

Jazz-hop. 鼓的 tone 不錯,但有些歌的副歌有點重複,感覺不要唱會比較好

Release date: 2020-04-24


Further Reductions - Array

Spiraling techno / trance with female vocals. 還行

Release date: 2021-01-10


Eartheater - Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin

不要看這張封面屁股底下噴火好像很狂的樣子,實際上我覺得這張其實蠻順耳的… 這張是他自己在西班牙某個地方做駐點藝術家的時候在十周的時間內尻出來的歌,基本上都是木吉他加唱歌再加一些 electronic textures。我蠻喜歡整張專輯做得沒有太滿這點,但另一方面這張的歌聽起來都有點像…

Release date: 2020-10-02


Sparkle Division - To Feel Embraced

老實說真的不會知道這是 William Basinski 的東西… 很 jazz-hop / oldschool funk 但 reverb 又掛得很有 Basinski 自己東西那種餘音繞樑的感覺,整張聽起來反而聽起來有點 vaporwave 感

Release date: 2020-07-24


Hotspring - Obit For Sunshade

Jazzy new age music.

Release date: 2020-09-28


Blakk Harbor - A Modern Dialect

Industrial techno. Pretty groovy.

Release date:


Atsushi Yano - Whole Rotta Love

Jazz / afro house music. Chillout music.

Release date:


Andrew Wasylyk - Fugitive Light And Themes Of Consolation

Ambient / new age / world fusion / lounge music.

Release date: 2020-09-04


Illingsworth - I’m In The Studio, Call Me Back

滑順 chill-hop,但有點難留下印象

Release date:


Open Mike Eagle - Anime, Trauma And Divorce

我以為他這張是今年才開始想的,結果他好像去年就開始寫了,主要是在講他那整年經歷過的事情:跟他合作的像 milo 、 busdriver 這些好像都跟他鬧翻了,在 Adult Swim 上的節目被砍了,然後跟他結婚十四年的太太去年跟他離婚了… 真的是很慘,不過這張的歌寫得以他的水平來說還是沒有那麼好, does he get a pass? Sort of… 另外這裡有首歌叫喬斯達, JoJo 粉可以聽

Release date: 2020-10-16


Various Artists - The Storm Of Life

Gospel recordings gathered from the 40s to the 60s. While not exactly a fan of this kind of music I think it’s more like a glimpse into what music was like during that time.

Release date:


Boof - Rebirth Of Gerberdaisy

There are lots of stuff going on… sometimes it’s funky electronica, sometimes sleek IDM / dub techno, and sometimes jazztronica. But then it doesn’t really do any of these music styles particularly outstanding.

Release date: 2020-06-01


Jaga Jazzist - Pyramid

Jazz fusion / nu-jazz. 不到很糟… 只是以他們的標準來看這張真的就是沒到很帥,前半很像 Kamasi Washington 的 backing band 或是 Dungen 在彈迷幻搖滾的時候,但是又比較沒那麼 engaging。最後一首 Apex 感覺就是比較順的現在很紅的那種 nu-jazz ,真的是不難聽,但也真的是會覺得不聽也不會怎麼樣。

Release date: 2020-05-15


Bell Witch, Aerial Ruin - Stygian Bough Volume I

Doom metal and folk passages. Some parts are pretty hard hitting but overall isn’t BW’s strongest stuff.

Release date: 2020-06-26


clipping. - Visions Of Bodies Being Burned

老實說我還是比較喜歡 Midcity 跟同名專輯時期的 clipping. ,那時候的歌聽起來比較兇一點,跟現在的這種 gothic rap 很不一樣。不過這張我覺得比上一張好,雖說副歌還是被他唱得有點搞笑…

Release date: 2020-10-23


Call Super - Every Mouth Teeth Missing

House. 聽起來選的音色蠻有機的,但是前幾首不錯到後面就開始覺得重複性有點高了。

Release date: 2020-10-23


Defeated Sanity - The Sanguinary Impetus

Technical brutal death metal. 個人是覺得沒什麼創意…

Release date: 2020-07-24


Sen Morimoto - Sen Morimoto

Bedroom pop / indie hip-hop. This kind of music wears me out after like two songs or so. Fans of Sunset Rollercoaster would probably dig this though.

Release date: 2020-10-23


Róisín Murphy - Róisín Machine

Disco / pop. 不難聽,但我覺得如果整張做成沒人唱歌的話會比較好…

Release date: 2020-10-02


逃走鮑伯 - 逃走鮑伯

狂街傳教士化的五月天?還是五月天化歌也變長的 Ovens?在 2020 年做吉他獨霸式英搖可以有額外加分,但是這張的吉他破音我不太喜歡,歌詞我也覺得有點… 個人聽起來感覺吉他是自己在某個地方錄的,其他東西又是在另外一個比較沒那麼 lo-fi 的地方錄的,搭不太起來。

Release date: 2020-10-16


Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never

OPN does new age pop music.

Release date: 2020-10-30


Touché Amoré - Lament


Release date: 2020-05-01


Jónsi - Shiver

Very underwhelming…

Release date: 2000-01-01


Dorian Electra - My Agenda

看來 PC Music 類型之中我喜歡的可能只有 Sophie 跟 Sega Bodega 了,這個喜歡 Poppy 的人應該會覺得不錯,但我真的是受不了… 煩死我

Release date: 2020-10-16


Testament - Titans Of Creation

My attitude towards this album is similar to how I feel about Lamb Of God’s newest album. Just listen to Revocation.

Release date: 2020-04-03


Yellow Swans - Going Places

高中不懂事,載了都沒聽… 這個就是很好聽的 ambient / drone music,有點像是沒那麼兇的 Ben Frost 或是沒那麼帶勁節奏感比較沒那麼突出的 Pan Sonic。但不是說這個不好聽或是有點 low 什麼的, 這張很讚…

Release date: 1965-10-01


Milton Nascimento, Lô Borges - Clube Da Esquina

Brazilian folk / psychedelic pop. Fans of city pop would like this a lot.

Release date: 1972-01-03


Pub - Do You Ever Regret Pantomime?

Dub techno / ambient FFO Gas.

Release date: 2020-06-12


Goldmund - Corduroy Road

Ambient / new age piano music. Haunting stuff. 我很喜歡他鋼琴按下去的喀擦聲

Release date: 2016-09-01


Deaf Center - Owl Splinters

Haunting ambient. 其實跟去年那張有點像,但就好聽

Release date: 2011-02-14


Domu - Return Of The Rogue

Nujazz. Groovy chillout music, RIYL Yussef Kamaal

Release date: 2005


Asha Puthil - Asha Puthil

喜歡古早味迷幻流行 / proto-city pop 的(或 Kate Bush 粉)應該會愛這個,話說這位阿姨後來唱了 Ornette Coleman 的一張,但那張我也沒有聽過

Release date: 2003-01-01


Brother/Ghost - Buried

Recommended by someone in The Flenser Group. Doom folk / post-rock, kinda like Swans but less heavy metal music.

Release date: 2021-04-15


Logos - Imperial Flood

Sci-fi grime / techno. 聽起來蠻炫的,但個人覺得不是很耐聽

Release date:


Dara Tucker - The Seven Colors

Soul / pop. The songs are not as catchy as the ones on, say, Charlie Hunter and Lucy Woodward album.

Release date: 2019-05-31


New Sector Movements - Download This

Jazz-hop / soul / old school jazz funk breakbeat. Kaidi Tatham played the keys on this album. I like the track Mass Car Raid.

Release date: 2013-06-14


Varg2™ - Fuck Varg

今年他跟 Croatian Amor 合作那張比較好聽,另外他之前叫做 Varg,在這張的時候改名成現在這個,原因是有個德國金屬團寄信說撞名了所以要告他…

Release date: 2019-12-12


Kai Whiston - No World Eternal

Deconstructed club / ambient. 我覺得環境音樂的部分不錯,但其他部分就有點 corny,聽久有點煩

Release date: 2020-07-03
