2020 May Listenings

Posted on May 29, 2020

Ulla - Tumbling Towards A Wall

Quality lo-fi ambient. Hard to imagine there’d be people not liking this album…

Release date:


Various Artists - Still In My Arms: Compiled By Bayu And Moopie

RA pretty much said it all: cry-in-the-club IDM.

Release date: 2020-03-16


Jonny Nash, Suzanne Kraft - A Heart So White

Ambient / modern classical. Do not miss.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Charli XCX - How I’m Feeling Now

This one is less polished than last year’s masterpiece album, but it’s still super dope nevertheless. Bass-heavy, hard-hitting electro-pop.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Chekov - Aerated

Bouncy dub techno / house. Trippy stuff.

Release date: 2020-03-27


問題總部 It’s Your Fault - User Guide: I

Excellent R&B / fusion. 樂器好讚ㄚ

Release date: 2020-05-28


Tilman Robinson - Culturecide

Intense experimental electronica.

Release date: 2018-01-26


Jasmine Infiniti - BXTCH SLÄP

Futuristic dark techno. Pretty rave worthy.

Release date: 2020-03-27


Perfume Genius - Some Dream

Man… Pino Palladino played on this album? This album consists of songs ranging from the vibrant rock n’ roll of On The Floor to the slow indie pop track of Borrowed Light. There are just so many different influences on this album, yet Perfume Genius is able to mesh all of them into a cohesive album. Good stuff.

Release date: 2018-03-14


Green-House - Six Songs For Invisible Gardens

Soothing ambient music. This is like Mother Earth’s Plantasia but even more ambient leaning.

Release date:


Rose City Band - Summerlong

Imagine in a parallel universe the band Real Estate decides to play psych country / folk music… The mastermind of this musical project is also in charge of a psychedelic rock band called Wooden Shjps. Wooden Shjps is dope AF.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Grischa Lichtenberger - Kamihan; il y a péril en la demeure

Deconstructed techno / house. Reminds me of Downy or 非/密閉空間. While I like last year’s Re: Phgrp more this one is still stellar.

Release date: 2020-05-08


Valium Aggelein - Black Moon

Duster side project releases an album that sound exactly like how a Duster album would be, even more so than last year’s release from Duster themselves.

Release date: 2015-07-17


Serpent Column - Endless Detainment

Chaotic mathcore / grindcore. To quote Jules Winnifield, “this is some gourmet shit”.

Release date: 2020-03-17


Quelle Chris, Chris Keys - Innocent Country 2

Decent jazz-hop / alternative rap. This one feels more relaxed and melodic than the previous one.

Release date: 2020-04-24


Minor Science - Second Language

A comment on his Bandcamp page reads “Aphex Twin & Cabaret Voltaire meet a 125th street.” Pretty accurate if you ask me.

Release date: 2020-04-03


Pale Cocoon - Mayu

70’s Japanese psych prog + Kankyo Ongaku style ambient and field recordings. Think a more trippy Kakashi? Also I dig the track Kumoatsume a lot.

Release date: 2021-02-20


Karkhana - Bitter Balls

World / free jazz. FFO free jazz / improve stuff from Instant Classic.

Release date: 1998


Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin Kynsi

Experimental black metal. While not extremely crushing this album does have a bunch of different sounds in it, from almost symphonic prog rock to psych to almost jazz. Like a more grinding Arcturus…

Release date: 2020-04-17


Andy Shauf - The Neon Skyline

Solid folk record. Just by the music I thought this thing sounds pretty lighthearted, but then upon further googling for the lyrics I found the album is actually a concept album about past love: “Our narrator heads to a bar where he hears that his ex is back in town. From there, he spirals through the course of their relationship from young love to jealous arguments to dreams of starting over. He eventually runs into her and they go their separate ways.” (Stolen from Pitchfork). I guess from paper the story seems pretty cliche but the way he writes about the events is super straightforward without any trace of falling into self indulgence. Pretty good stuff.

Release date: 2020-01-24


Yair Elazar Glotman, Mats Erlandsson - Emanate

Quality modern classical music. FFO Jóhann Jóhannsson.

Release date: 2020-05-31


Andrea - Ritorno

Decent IDM.

Release date: 2020-04-17


Aksak Maboul - Figures

Chanson + prog + hip-hop + psychedelic rock, and you’d get this album… what? Nevertheless it is a pretty compelling album.

Release date: 2018-03-26


Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - The Mosaic Of Transformation

Meditative synth ambient.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Hanya - Sea Shoes

Refreshing indie rock / shoegaze.

Release date: 1987-10-13


Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts V: Together

Synth heavy ambient release from veteran industrial rockers. The album isn’t half bad, but there are much more interesting artists around.

Release date: 2020-03-27


Various Artists - Transition, Vol. 1

So this is a compilation of tracks released by some of the forerunners of rave music… I always presume rave music is by definition heady and fast paced but this doesn’t seem to be the case here? Dunno as I’m no expert on rave music either.

Release date: 2020-02-04


Ka - Descendants Of Cain

Hip-hop with beats sampled from old time western spaghetti movies? Not a lot of super exciting moments on this thing despite it being overall pretty enjoyable.

Release date: 2020-05-07


Zoe Reddy - Wavelength

Experimental electro-pop.

Release date: 1978-09


Phillip Sollmann - Monophonie

Experiment / ambient made with self-engineered microtonal instruments. The track Stutter contains some really piercing high-pitched noise… so remember don’t turn it up too much or else your eardrums might break. As for music itself I’d stick to his output under the Efdemin moniker.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Night Gestalt - Sudden Rituals, Vol. 1

Middle eastern music influenced dub ambient.

Release date: 2020-02-27


Dijon - How Do You Feel About Getting Married?

Jazzy but bland hip-hop.

Release date: 2020-05-15


Roger Eno, Brian Eno - Mixing Colours

Soothing but unspectacular ambient. Not that it sounds bad but the entire thing doesn’t bring any new idea onto the table.

Release date: 2020-03-20


Manes - Young Skeleton

“Experimental metal” in E minor. Like a more pretentious, less tasteful Ulver.

Release date: 2020-04-17


Daisy Mortem - Faits Divers

Hyperactive future pop. I don’t like this one bit…

Release date: 2021-04-30


Virginia Astley - Hope In A Darkened Heart

… 我覺得有些和弦跟配器很像末代皇帝的配樂,結果有坂本龍一弄,蠻猛的。 Art-pop with a bunch of off-kilter instrumentations and counterintuitive chord changes. Think ambient pop but a lot more pop. Or hauntology pop, whatever. David Sylvian sang in this album on the first track too.

Release date:


Kemistry & Storm - DJ-Kicks

Fast paced drum & bass / jungle. At first I was like, I didn’t know people still make this kind of stuff in 2020, then I googled and realized this is actually a reissue of the 1999 mixtape. The tracks on this thing is super on point and guaranteed headbangers, I like this one a lot.

Release date: 1996-08-19


Joseph Shabason - Anne

Cathartic new age / ambient jazz from Canadian saxophonist. This is the dude that played in The War On Drugs and Destroyer.

Release date: 2021-05-21


Braveyoung - Misery And Pride

Another find through The Flenser Facebook Group. Wrapped lo-fi ambient. They say this was once a post-metal group called Giants, and this is album is anything but metal - it is a tender album.

Release date:


Various Artists - Heterotopia

Bouncy club music. It’s got Air Max ’97 and Celestial Trax.

Release date: 2020-12-25


Planning For Burial - Leaving

This one is more metal IMO. There’s even a stoner rock song on this thing… sick.

Release date: 2002-01-01


Celestial Trax - Listen, Hear, Know, Become, Be

Minimalistic ambient.

Release date:


Frédéric D. Oberland - Labyrinth

Can’t read French so no idea what the song titles meant, but the artist tagged this music with Georges Bataille so maybe there’s a connection? Drone / modern classical music.

Release date: 1986-01-01


Winterquilt - Hymn

Vaporwave artist doing black metal songs… bizarre and intriguing.

Release date: 2019-02-08
