2019 July / August Listenings

Posted on July 5, 2019

Deaf Center - Low Distance

Bleak ambient music

Release date: 2019-03-22


Coil - Theme From the Gay Man’s Guide to Safer Sex

I alway thought Coil was kinda like Throbbing Gristle, the kind of band that

Release date: 2019-06-28

does dark industrial music or something similar, but this album is in fact

very groovy, very enjoyable and not at all challenging. Quality music.


Dos Monos - Dos City


Release date: 2019-03-20


James Ruskin - Reality Broadcast Off

How techno should be done… great stuff.

Release date:


Shura - forevher

This one is a real doozie. Do not miss out!

Release date: 2019-08-16


Jay Som - Anak Ko

Indie pop, funky at times and serene at some other. I love the instrumentals on this thing.

Release date: 2019-08-23


Sim Hutchins, Dale Cornish - Decouple ][ Series

Druk Pak is easily one of my favorite techno songs in a long time.

Release date: 2020-05-22

Deconstructed techno music?


The Dead C - Rare Ravers

Sometimes when you grow tired of stuff that is too pronounced, too focused,

Release date:

too eager to accomplish something, this is the record to put on. Previously

I’ve only listened to their first album and I wasn’t really paying attention,

but this one is exactly what I felt was previously missing in this year’s

releases so far. I guess this can be called a “noise” record? But the guitars

actually have some melodies going on, and it is not challenging at all to

finish this album in one go. This is some quality stuff.


Valiska - Numbers

Awesome slow electronica / ambient music

Release date: 2020-12-20


Slauson Malone - A Quiet Farwell, Twenty Sixteen to Twenty Eighteen

Jazzy hip hop最近應該超多人做,但做得好的人多不多又是另一回事了… 這張很好聽

Release date:


They Hate Change - Clearwater

This is the second Deathbomb release in this list.

Release date: 1969-11-02


Special Request - Vortex

Raving, gnarly techno music. Love it!

Release date: 2019-11-22


Caterina Barbieri - Ecstatic Computation

對這種真的是沒啥抵抗力… 好好聽…

Release date: 2019-05-04


M. Sage - Catch a Blessing

Great ambient music, lots of fun and lots of texture. If only I had a vinyl player at home…

Release date: 2019-04-05


Laura Cannell, Polly Wright - Sing as the Crow Flies

Sublime vocal improv modern composition music. I thought I don’t like this type of music, but boy was I gravely mistaken…

Release date: 2019-08-02


Billy Woods, Kenny Segal - Hiding Places

The beats on this album is very nicely done… I’d say some songs on this

Release date: 2019-03-29

sounds like a more refined, more nuanced version of the kind of rap music that

Run the Jewels has been dishing out. Aside from the instruments, one really

have to take time to listen to what Billy Woods is rapping about to fully

appreciate this album.


Bendik Giske - Surrender

I’d say it’s not really unreasonable to argue that any recording put out by a

Release date: 2019-10-29

solo sax player will be inevitably put into comparison with Colin Stetson’s

music. True that this album features just one instrument, like Colin’s many

recordings do, but the mood presented here is vastly different from Colin’s

usual style. Bendik’s playing is subtle yet powerful, there’s a song that I

really enjoy even employs the sound of strokes onto the buttons (I’m not sure

what the correct words are), and although there are indeed moments where the

sax is loud and the expressiveness is at its peak, this whole record overall

carries a consistent, very delicate texture from start to finish. I really

enjoy this one.


Dean Hurley - Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond

So this guy did the sound designs in Twin Peaks, and is a long time

Release date: 2019-07-12

collaborator with David Lynch. I guess one can say this is almost the

quintessential ambient album: all the elements that one should expect in an

ambient release is here, and nothing is out of place. In this sense perhaps

one could argue that this album does not provide an atmosphere that is

different from all the other great ambient albums out there. But still, this

is a very good ambient record.


Scrolls - Rent We Ate

This is the third Deathbomb release on this list.

Release date:


Oli XL - Rogue Intruder, Soul Enhancer

Stellar electronic album. The slightly muffled vocals are pretty dope.

Release date: 2019-07-22



Pretty intense club music. People say it’s experimental club music /

Release date: 2019-06-03

deconstructed club music, but I feel like these adjectives doesn’t really do

anything to describe this record. I like how the songs have an almost tribal

sound to them.


Juan Wauters - La Onda de Juan Pablo

The arrangements in this album are actually much more complex than what I

Release date: 2019-01-25

perceived when I first listened to it. I think this is definitely an album

that growns on you. Juan’s voice has this captivating quality that makes these

songs stand out from the average soft, soothing folk music.


Rainer Veil - Vanity

Bright, nice techno music. In Gold Mills is pretty good. Very vibrant.

Release date: 2011-09-29


Lifted - 2

Jazzy electronic music / ambient. Pretty good!

Release date: 2014-12-09


Rejoicer - Heavy Smoke

Decent chillwave music from Isreal. In a sense it’s kinda like Sunset

Release date: 2018-03-13

Rollercoaster decided to listen more Stereolab and this would be it. All in

all not a single song in this record is bad, highly recommended for those who

dig this type of stuff.


ANKHLEJOHN - A-Cold-World*

Filthy rap music… I dig it.

Release date: 2019-04-15


machina - archepelago

Glitched out poppy techno. Or is it techno-ish K-pop? Either way this is a

Release date: 2012-10-01

pretty interesting album. Cool stuff.


Mary Lattimore, Mac McCaughan - New Rain Duets

Decent ambient album. Harps + synths.

Release date: 2019-03-22


Loop LF - Natural XT EP

Drum n’ bass with a tropical vibe.

Release date: 2019-07-05


DJ Marcelle / Another Nice Mess - One Place For the First Time

I like this one because it’s got this almost dub-like vibe going on, and I

Release date: 2019-05-17

dig this kind of stuff very much… Also from her website DJ Marcelle seems

like a pretty cool lady. My thoughts on this album is kinda similar to how

I feel about Triad God’s album: it’s fun and it’s got people making various

sounds (in Triad God it’s the dude speaking Cantonese, and here it is a

dude saying sorry repeatedly or some other dude snoring). I guess the beats

could’ve been done in a more stripped down fashion: some songs have these

little sound bits that remind me of what Foodman likes to do, but instead of

generating an almost hilariously bizzare (or bizzarously hilarious, both

apply to Foodman’s music IMO) vibe, here their prescence is a bit too

marginalized and don’t really affect the overall sound. Also I feel like

going towards the end of the album it does feel not as strong as the

beginning. Nevertheless it’s still a doozie and worth checking out.


Tomoko Sauvage - Musique Hydromantique


Release date: 2017-11-03

JK Flesh - In Your Pit E.P


Release date: 2019-05-24


Floating Points - LesAlpx / Coorabell


Release date: 2019-07-12


Mika Vainio, Franck Vigroux - Ignis

Mika Vainio真的是過世得太早了…

Release date: 2019-12-20

很喜歡那種很沉的、像電流一樣的聲音,最後一首歌 Feux 很喜歡。


Ernest Berk - Electronic Music for Two Ballets

Dark experimental electronic music. Should definitely try to find the footages of the two ballets.

Release date:


Shifted - The Light Touch

Afrobeat / techno

Release date: 2021-05-13


Marie Davidson - Chasing the Light / Work It (Soulwax Remix) x Lara (Daniel Avery Remix)

I like this much more than I like Marie Davidson’s solo output.

Release date: 2019-08-08


Motohiko Hamase - #Notes of Forestry

Chill new age / ambient / modern classical.

Release date: 2019-02-13


Kode9 - Diggin In The Carts Remixes

Kode9 reworks one of my favorite releases from last year. Last year’s was

Release date:



Clay Rendering - California Black Vows

At times jangly, at times soft gothic indie rock. Not bad.

Release date:


Max D - Many Any

Cool breakbeat music with a twist.

Release date: 2002-03-25


Paisiel - Paisiel


Release date: 2014-07-15


Chavis Chandler - CHOP SOUND DOJO


Release date:

Shadi - You Can’t Hear Me

Another weird hip hop album from Deathbomb Arc. Some songs have instrumentals that sound like old jazz fusion jams, but overall the flows and beats are not as neat as other releases from the label.

Release date:


Blockhead - Free Sweatpants

我是覺得不錯聽,後面的chill beats都還不錯,但是可能instrumental的會更好吧?Featuring的倒是都不錯,Open

Release date: 2019-01-18

Mike Eagle、Aesop Rock,都蠻厲害的


Little Simz - GREY Area


Release date: 2019-03-01


Rod Modell - Captagon

Chilling dub techno.

Release date: 2019-07-05


Wreck and Reference - Absolute Still Life

This time they sound tamer and more chilled out then their previous efforts.

Release date: 2019-07-19


Ondo Fudd - Eyes Glide Through the Oxide

Upbeat techno music

Release date: 2019-06-21


Spellling - Mazy Fly

Pitchfork says this album sounds very haunting and reeks of terror… well I

Release date: 2019-02-22

really think they’re exagerating a bit too much here, but this album does have

a dark undertone. While I do think this album could probably be a little more

adventurous and probably incorporate more esoteric elements like even stranger

compostion or more bizarre sound samples, I would say this is still a pretty

enjoyable album and is not all that difficult to get into.


Nina Kravitz - Stranno Stranno Neobjatno

Ok techno music.

Release date: 2019-07-22


Uboa - The Origin of My Depression

Moody experimental / noise album. Lots of shrieks in this one.

Release date: 2019-02-14


Departure Chandelier - The Black Crest of Death, The Gold Wreath of War

USBM. Intro and outro are both stellar. The longer songs are ok.

Release date: 2019-05-04


Eomac - Reconnect Remixes

Weirded-out techno music

Release date:


海豚刑警 - 豚愛特攻隊

I don’t know… maybe it’s my problem that I don’t really enjoy this album

Release date: 2019-06-19

that much? I feel like the overall sound of the album is just too cheerful and

trying too hard to appeal to post-millenials, or maybe there isn’t even any

trying because they’re themselves post-millenials? I guess what I’m trying to

say is, the songs are really well structured and nicely produced, and the

musicianship on this album is unreal (it’s very good), but it’s the overall

sound / mood / aesthetics that I don’t find myself a huge fan of.



Reworks of Japanese new age / electronica musics from the last century.

Release date: 2021-06-01


Blood Orange - Angel’s Pulse

I really think the songs on this album, or rather, the fragments that probably

Release date: 2019-07-12

could’ve developed into really good songs, are just way too short. The sound

is still on par with his previous outputs, but I feel like this mixtape is for

the ones with particularly short attention span. Maybe this is actually the

music that represents this generation best?


MARKERS - Heaven in the Dark Earth


Release date:



Big K.R.I.T. - K.R.I.T. IZ HERE

If this is your first time listening to Big K.R.I.T. then it’s prolly a good

Release date: 2019-07-12

idea to start with this album. Otherwise this album is basically identical to

all the albums in his discography. Even the flows are almost the same, the

triplets and stress and stuff. I wouldn’t say this album is not enjoyable

because overall it’s still pretty catchy and pleasing to the ears but it’s

basically just K.R.I.T. repeating himself.


Shing02, SPINMASTER A-1 - 246911

J-Rap guru Shing02’s 2019 offering sounds even more influenced by traditional

Release date: 2019-04-11

Japanese elements, almost every song on the album is laden with Japanese

chants or jingles. This is also IMO one of the weaker moments in his entire

discography. The instrumentals and flow are observably much less playful /

experimental than his previous efforts, such as 400 or Waikyoku. To be frank,

I might as well just listen to Tim Hecker…


Pentadrangle - Voidrun Original Soundtrack

Pretty decent chiptune music. It’s just that I’m never really a big fan of

Release date:

this type of music…


Haiku Salut - The General

Glithy beats and piano and synthesizer. Soundtrack to some movie. I don’t like the pianos in this one, too cliche.

Release date: 2019-05-31


Kornél Kovács - Stockholm Marathon

I’m not that big on pop house / house pop or stuff like that. But I gotta admit some songs like Atlas Nights and Rocks are pretty decent.

Release date: 2019-04-26


Buttechno - Minimal Cuts


Release date: 2019-01-28


Oozing Wound - High Anxiety

樂器部分相當給力… 很爽的龐克 &

Release date: 2016-08-19

很帶感的sludge,但主唱的唱法我實在是不喜歡。如果是叫Jane Doe時期的Jacob



Dj Python - Derretirse

Festive techno music.

Release date: 2019-06-17


Russian Circles - Blood Year

Definitely not their best album. Pales in comparison to their older stuff,

Release date: 2019-08-02

songs were much less fun and the riffs weren’t as crushing.


Tool - Fear Inoculum

Meh… 拖台錢

Release date: 2019-08-30


False - Portent

I almost fell asleep…

Release date: 2020-12-29


Tralala Blip - Eat My Codes If Your Light Falls

I don’t like pop electronica. This sounds very 00’s-ish.

Release date:


Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA

Experimental music that’s not really experimental. More like a mashup of black metal and chant music.

Release date: 2013-01-15


Pavel Milyakov - La Maison De La Mort

Songs I like: FFF, Moon Pad。有些歌切得好斷… 不錯的ambient music,整體來說還行?但不聽可能也不會怎麼樣。搞這張的就是上面那位Buttechno,可以聽得出來這張的電音感還是有的

Release date: 2019-03-01


Pile - Green and Gray

Their older stuff, like Dripping and You’re Better Than This, are much better in terms of song structures and dynamics. In this one I feel that the harder hitting parts are kinda rushed together - they’re there not because of a previous build up or to signify some sort of mood shift, instead they feel more like fragments, segments of riffs and do not really sound all that

Release date: 2019-05-03

coherent. And then the soft parts, while pretty catchy, do not seem to possess that grasping feel in the more melodic moments in the albums I just mentioned. Pile is a great band, but this album is definitely not their strongest.


Sadistik - Haunted Gardens

Hip hop reviewers seem to dig this album a lot… I feel like the instrumentals sound too much soft EDM-ish, and the flow isn’t really all that refreshing.

Release date: 2019-04-20


Kim Petras - Clarity

不是啊,同樣的音樂類型Rina Sawayama為啥就做得這麼好聽,Kim Petra就可以做得這麼水… 其實不算差,但我覺得是也可以不用聽啦…

Release date: 2012-01-01


Sadness - Circle of Veins

… black metal + 00s-ish electro pop + indie pop. Pretty yucky if you ask me…

Release date: 2017


Gus Dapperton - Where Polly People Go to Read

The dude’s going to play in Taiwan… one thing for sure is that you won’t see me at the show. I really do not comprehend why people even listen to this stuff, to me this record is more like a cut ’n paste of some of the blandest, most watered-down moments from several relevant indie genres: dream pop, indie rock, synth pop, alternative r&b, the list can go on but I suppose you already get the idea. To be fair some bass lines in some tracks are pretty flashy, but the dude’s voice is just too obnoxious for me to actually remember which songs have better instrumentals. All in all I really don’t think very highly of this musical project.

Release date: 2019-04-19


Pelican - Nighttime Stories

Not good.

Release date: 2019-06-07


Kaoru Inoue - Em Paz

Groovy Japanese new age ambient music.

Release date: 2021-04-22


HKE - Charming Devil

Xiu Xiu + Wreck in Reference

Release date:


Milieu - Remodelled

IDM / ambient electronic. In some songs the drums are way too loud so keep in mind to turn down the volume a little bit.

Release date: 2007-04-26


Tom Carter - Long Time Underground


Release date:


Auspicious Family - Gruff Sequences for Dancefloor

I like the rhythmic patterns in this record. It’s got a controlled texture to it and I kinda dig it. One problem I find with this album is the balance of the sounds in some of the songs, like the ride cymbal bells on Waxen Folds is actually distractingly loud when listened on my earphones. Still this is a pretty enjoyable album.

Release date:


Yutaka Hirose - Nova + 4

Ambient / environmental music. Probably need to listen to it for a few more times…

Release date: 1986-06-26


Dynamo - Außen Vor

Spacey, grainy techno music.

Release date:


Lionmilk - Depths of Madness

Pretty chill RnB. I like the instrumentals on this one a lot.

Release date: 2018-05-11


Serpent Column - Ornuthi Thalassa

I’m glad to have finally found some new metal tracks that are interesting enough to listen to… to me it’s a bit too organized and the melodic parts are at times a bit too much of a cliche, but it’s heavy and a lot of fun to listen to.

Release date: 2017-07-21


Hecq - Chansons de geste

Think William Basinski, Philip Jeck and the Caretaker. Haunting droney low fidelity ambient music.

Release date: 2017-09-04


Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern Sounds in Country Music

好聽耶… 而且歌詞其實很猛,整天在嗑藥的鄉村音樂,沒聽過吧!

Release date: 2014-05-13


Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma - FRKWYS Vol. 12: We Know Each Other Somehow


Release date: 2015-04-14

Migurl Angel Tolosa - Ephimeral

Decent ambient with dark undertone.

Release date: 2019-05-24


Colored Music - Individual Beauty

Japanese new wave / jazz funk / art rock.

Release date: 2018-05-23


Nick Malkin - Slow Day on Brilliant Drive

Gorgeous ambient music. Lots of different textures laid out in the tracks.

Release date:


Adriana Lopez - Anonymity of Grey

Very decent techno music. The first songs is very outstanding… I really like how the main rhythmic beeps are interwined throughout the song.

Release date:


75 Dollar Bill - Wooden Bag


Release date:

F.U.S.E. - Dimension Intrusion

Exquisite acid house / ambient techno.

Release date: 2019-05-03


David Sylvian - Secrets of the Beehive

I used to always think Japan sounds like a band that’d play hard rock / hair metal, now I know I was gravely mistaken. This album is from the frontman of the said band, and how to call this music… adult contemporary? Art pop? Either way this album is a great pleasure to the ears. I really like how ferocious and dissonant the piano goes in the song Mother and Child.

Release date: 1987-11-07


Lupe Fiasco - Testuo & Youth

Lupe Fiasco有這麼好聽喔…

Release date: 2015-01-20


Ellen Arkbro - For Organ and Brass

Very soothing modern composition.

Release date: 2017-04-14


David Sylvian - Blemish


Release date: 2019-11-01
